ISSN 2409-7616

O. Nagibina, A. Kirova



Olga V. Nagibina –PhD. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of social Technologies Vologda State University, Vologda, Russian Federation, РИНЦ SPIN-код: 1594-8238, E-mail:

Anna P. Kirova – Master, specialty «Social work in various spheres of life» Vologda State University, Vologda, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Abstract. The statistical data analysis proves the growth of the share of orphans and persons deprived of parental care among the contingent of educational colonies for minors, which causes the need to find adequate approaches to the organization of prevention of deviant behavior at the early stages. The aim of the study is to identify the possibilities of phototherapy in the prevention of deviant behavior in children at risk. The article considers the experience of using the technology of positive prevention of deviant behavior on the example of using phototherapy in individual work with orphans. This technology is opposed to the traditional problem-oriented approach, focused on the problem and its negative consequences. It is aimed at the development of a healthy harmonious personality. PhotoTherapy influences an individual’s adaptive mechanism. Due to this a person’s adaptive potential is activated to restore balance in the system “adapting individual – adaptive environment”. As a result, the main cause of the deviant behavior, i.e. the distortion of emotional and social development, is affected. The latter comprises an incomplete view of oneself (i.e. of one’s personality traits, individual properties, internal and external resources), prevailing behavior patterns in conflicts and unusual situations, the state of being a dependant. The article presents a procedure of using PhotoTherapy at the resource center for children deprived of parental care. Each stage of the procedure involved some influence on various components of the adaptive mechanism: cognitive, communicative and behavioral. The multidimensional role of the PhotoTherapy influence techniques proves their scientific and practical value as they involve the formation of new kinds of interaction with people and environment. These kinds of interaction are aimed at stimulating one’s activity in solving his/her personal difficulties.

Keywords: positive prevention; adaptive mechanism; deviant behavior; children at risk; PhotoTherapy.



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For citation:

Nagibina O.V., Kirova A.P. Phototherapy as a means of preventing deviant behavior of children at risk in the educational environment. CITISE, 2020, no. 1, pp. 161-172. DOI: