ISSN 2409-7616

V. Klimov



Vladimir I. Klimov – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Music Education, Bunin Yelets State University, Institute of History and Culture, Yelets, Russian Federation, ORCID0000-0003-1123-6687, E-mail:

Abstract. This paper presents an analysis of the theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of the formation of cognitive motivation of students of a classical university using gaming technology in a small town. The specifics of the use of gaming technologies in the educational process of a classical university, methods for the formation of cognitive motivation of university students, such as («Didactic games»; «Competition»; «Success situation»; «Projects»; «Creating a problem situation») are examined in detail. The study presents the results of experimental work on the formation of cognitive motivation of students of a classical university using gaming technology in a small town. In the course of practical activities, musical games were identified that were used in special classes and solved the following tasks: 1) corrective: (development of auditory, visual, tactile perception, facial muscles, respiratory system, articulatory apparatus, voice properties, coordination of movements; formation of expressive means (intonations, facial expressions, gestures, movements); 2) wellness: (development of motor skills (fine, articulatory, general; improving the ability to film emotional and physical voltage was, strengthening «muscular sense», the development speed of the motor response), and 3) education (voice training, singing skills, the development of music, creativity, communication skills, the formation of mental abilities and actions); 4) educational: (education of a general musical, speech culture; formation of an aesthetic perception of the world; development of the emotional sphere); 5) developing: development of cognitive activity; maintaining a steady interest; strengthening self-regulation and control; development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination). According to the results of experimental work, we have identified the components of the development of musical abilities of students of the classical university of the music department of the Institute of History and Culture of Yelets State University named after I.A. Bunin and the criteria for their assessment (musical ear; musical memory; sense of rhythm; musical movement; creative skills; the ability to think figuratively and convey their feelings in different types of musical activity). A comparative analysis of the research results allowed us to consider these pedagogical conditions, as well as the gaming technologies used in the experiment, as effective.

Keywords: formation, cognitive motivation, student, gaming technology, small town; classic university.



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For citation:

Klimov V.I. Forming cognitive motivation of students of a classical university. CITISE, 2020, no. 1, pp. 7-18. DOI: