ISSN 2409-7616

R. Shaikhulov, A. Volosnikova



Ramazan N. Shaikhulov – Candidate of pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture, Design and Decorative Arts of Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk, Russian Federation, SPIN-код: 3159-9630, E-mail:

Anastasia A. Volosnikova – Assistant of the Department of Architectural Design, Institute of architecture and design, Tyumen Industrial University Member of Union of Architecture of Russia, Tyumen, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Abstract. It is generally assumed that an artist’s work is a spontaneous process in which the prevailing factors are inspiration, intuition, gift and even some casualities. It is also thought that art cannot be treated from the scientific point of view. Nevertheless, theorists and experts of artistic pedagogy are confident in the opposite that without a systematic scientifically-based approach and the knowledge of didactic principles and methods of teaching it is impossible to teach the visual art. The proof of this are the scientific works of the classics of artistic pedagogy – Chistyakov P.P., Kardovskiy D.N., Rostovtsev N.N., Kuzin V.S., Shorokhov E.V. and many their modern followers. One of the brightest representatives of this school was dearly departed Eric Saparovich Khusainov – Candidate of pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor and a member of Union of Artists of Russia (1960-2015). This article studies his creativity, pictorial, academic and scientific heritage. The article contains the analysis of the artistic paintings of E.Khusainov from such points of view as the chromatology principles, the harmony of colour combinations, composition and style, sticking to the methodology of teaching art disciplines with the colour harmony on the first place. The analysis of his artistic works proves that creating an artistic work and teaching students of art universities of the basics of art is only possible by relying on scientific basics of painting, composition, chromatology and coloristic.

Keywords: painting, composition, colour, lighting, coloration, colour vision, pictorial vision, chromatology, colour harmony, still life, landscape, art pedagogic, teaching methods.



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For citation:

Shaikhulov R.N., Volosnikova A.A. Scientific and methodological principles of colour schemes and colour patterns in painting of Eric Khusainov. CITISE, 2019, no. 5, pp. 27-46. DOI: