E. Korolyuk, E. Mezentseva
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.2019.4.22
Elena V. Korolyuk – Doctor of economic Sciences, associate Professor, Deputy Director for scientific work of the branch of FSBEI HE “Kuban state University” in Tikhoretsk, Russian Federation, RISC-SPIN-code: 6791-5479, E-mail: lenkor@bk.ru
Ekaterina V. Mezentseva – Candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor, head of the Department of social and humanitarian disciplines of the branch of FSBEI HE “Kuban state University” in Tikhoretsk, Russian Federation, RISC-SPIN-code: 7670-8270, E-mail: ekaterinamez@yandex.ru
Abstract. The level of innovation receptivity of the regional economy determines its competitiveness. This is also true for the Republic of Crimea recently integrated into the Russian Federation. The authors, based on statistical and sociological data, give a description of the regional innovation system of the Republic of Crimea: assess the dynamics of indicators of innovative development of the region; analyze the innovation regulatory framework; characterize the elements of the innovation infrastructure; assess the position of the republic in the ranking of innovative regions of Russia; consider the results of sociological surveys in the field of creating the socio-economic conditions of innovation and the effectiveness of measures to support business in the region. The analysis shows that despite the implementation of government measures taken at both the federal and regional levels, the innovative activity of business in the Republic of Crimea is low and it is not enough to change the economy of the region. On the basis of the obtained results, the article presents the main directions of regional policy aimed at improving the efficiency of innovation activities of the business of the Republic of Crimea, to which the authors include an increase in the costs of innovative projects and initiatives of various scales, promoting the development of a civilized market of intellectual property objects, ensuring the effective functioning of the information and consulting support of the innovation business, helping to increase the efficiency of Preparations frames of the regional innovation system. The article made a forecast of key indicators characterizing the innovative activity of the region for 2019-2023, based on the analysis of time series using the extrapolation method. Evaluation of the predicted values obtained gives grounds to conclude that the dynamics of the main indicators characterizing the innovative component of the Republic of Crimea are improving.
Keywords: innovations, innovative potential of a region, level of innovative activity.
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For citation:
Korolyuk E.V., Mezentseva E.V. Innovative component of the economy of the republic of Crimea as a priority of regional policy. CITISE, 2019, no. 4, pp. 215-229. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.2019.4.22