I. Chupaha
Irina V. Chupaha – Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor STAVROPOL state pedagogical Institute Department of preschool and primary education (Russia, Stavropol), SPIN-код: 2471-8200, E-mail: irina-chupakha@rambler.ru
Abstract. The article deals with the formation of readiness of bachelors and the use of Museum pedagogy, Museum aspects of educational activities presented as part of a holistic educational process in terms of content and technology and included in the development of forms of knowledge that are accessible and interesting to children of preschool age. Museum pedagogy, is a branch of pedagogical science, allows to study bases of interaction of the Museum and educational institutions and creation of uniform cultural and educational space of development of the personality of the child.
Keywords: readiness of bachelors to use Museum pedagogy, educational process, preschool educational organization, education of children, technology, Museum, preschooler.
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