E. Bakieva, G.Sattarova, E. Bashirova, N. Nikolaeva,
Elvira V. Bakieva – candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor of physical geography, cartography and geodesy, faculty of geography “Bashkir state University”(Russia, Ufa), E-mail: bakieva@mail.ru
Gulnara A.Sattarova – candidate of geographical Sciences, associate Professor of tourism, geourbanistics and economic geography, faculty of geography, Bashkir state University (Russia, Ufa), E-mail.ru: ek-geo@yandex.ru
Elsa V. Bashirova – candidate of biological Sciences, associate Professor of theory and methods of teaching biology, chemistry and geography, Institute of education development of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia, Ufa), E-mail.: Elza_bashirova@mail.ru
Nadezhda V. Nikolaeva – student of the faculty of geography, profile “Physical geography»”Bashkir state University” (Russia, Ufa), E-mail: 89191457993@mail.ru
Abstract. This article deals with the organization of collective thinking activity distribution in geography lessons. Collective thinking is aimed at developing the skills of working with information and the ability to analyze and apply this information. The role of organized by the teacher of geography of collective search by pupils of answers to the set problem is shown. It is noted that the intensive independent activity of students associated with emotional experiences, accompanied by the inclusion of the mechanism of creativity and tentative research response. The characteristic of types of thinking of preschool children and school students on S. L. Rubinstein is given. The authors note that the prerequisites of abstract-theoretical thinking include accurate knowledge of the essence of the case and the ability to critically evaluate their own judgments, as well as the ability to independently master the missing special knowledge. It is emphasized that students in grades 6-8 build their combinations in a special way: they do not yet realize the difficulties and believe that they are able to somehow explain everything. The article also provides an analysis of the results of a survey of mental activity of students in geography lessons: when looking for an answer to the question in which part of the Urals falls more rain in the Urals or the Urals? The authors note that teaching geography in the middle classes of modern school contributes to the development of students ‘ thinking. Systematic work on the formation of concepts and constant exercises in their use should be at the center of the pedagogical process. “Collective mental activity distribution” gives a double result: helps to solve the learning task and significantly develops the ability of students to formulate questions and answers, and also contributes to business communication.
Keywords: group learning: collective-distributive mental activity, thinking students the mental operations, the geography lessons.
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- [Electronic resource] – Mode of access URL: https://geographyofrussia.com (07.07.2019)