R. Zabirov, O. Ivanchuk
Ruslan V. Zabirov – Teacher of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Federal State Reserve Agency College (Russia, Torzhok), ORCID: 0000-0001-8417-9965, E-mail: ruszabirov2016@gmail.com
Olga V. Ivanchuk – Doctor of Education, Associate Professor, Head of chair of physics, mathematics and medical informatics, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education Astrakhan State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia (Russia, Astrakhan), RSCI SPIN-code: 4207-9363 / ORCID: 0000-0002-1614-7483, E-mail: olgaiva.2401@gmail.com
Abstract. Nowadays the problem of extremism prevention is highly vital in the midst of activation of extremism-oriented units and groups. Currently significant experience in solving the problems of extremism prevention has been accumulated; however, as shown by the data of law-enforcement bodies, lately there has been an increase in the number of young people involved in such organizations. Thus educational institutions, including secondary vocational institutions, must take proper actions on youth extremism prevention according to the modern standards. The authors of the given article work out a model of information educational environment as means of youth extremism prevention based on the analysis of legal and educational literature and work out a model with the definition and specification of its components. The data obtained as a result of the implementation of the given model and proving the model efficiency are also presented in the given article.
Keywords: youth extremism prevention, information educational environment of secondary vocational institutions.
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