ISSN 2409-7616

Irina A. Savicheva


Irina A. Savicheva – PhD (Candidate of Pedagogy), senior teacher of Foreign Languages Department
Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia (Russia, Volgograd), RSCI SPIN-code: 9764-7238, E-mail:

Abstract. The article views various contemporary theories of learning being developed in Russia and abroad: heutagogy, cognitive learning, behaviorist learning theory, experiential learning, lifelong learning, social learning theories, constructive learning theory, active learning theory, contextual education. The author reveals the reasons of changing the perspective of learning such as rapid technological advances, social and economic changes, learning as hobby or learning to catch up with modern life. After the analysis of a few learning theories the author then goes on to the definition of learning with its model which has two sides – the learner (the subject of learning) and the experience, both personal and cultural. The author points out two processes happening within the aspect of learning – external (social and cultural upbringing) and internal (psychological changes in a person). The teacher, however, becomes less important in learning as they used to be a century ago.

Keywords: learning, heutagogy, cognitive learning, behaviorist learning theory, experiential learning, lifelong learning, social learning theories, constructive learning theory, active learning theory, contextual education.



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