M. Martynova
Marina D. Martynova – Candidate of philosophy, associate Professor, Professor, Department of philosophy, Institute of History and sociology «National research Mordovia State University» (Russia, Saransk), SPIN-code:1287-0833, E-mail: martynovamd@mail.ru
Abstract. The article analyzes the influence of virtual space on the value preferences of modern youth. Due to its characteristics, this influence has a global scale of distribution. The article contains the analysis of the characteristic features of modern youth generation – the digital generation, its value systems and skills formed by computer games. In addition to the limitless possibilities virtual space carries certain challenges and threats to the self-realization of young people. The contradiction of information space globalization requires local solution. An individual has to define his\her own place in it, and finds solutions for contradictions between certain skills that works in the virtual space and do not always “work” in social practice, formation of career aspirations and “mismatch” of professional specialization with the needs of the modern labor market. There is data of numerous all over the Russia surveys and there are the results of student leaders survey made by the author of the article. Special attention is paid to the problem of self-realization, which is associated with the acceleration of social transformations in all spheres of society. The opinions of students about the tools of self-realization and career aspirations are given. Having peculiar characteristics, the modern generation of young people faces challenges of delay in labor activity direct inclusion, change of professions demand, narrow specialization, precarious employment, lack of soft skills, growth of the Internet economy, etc.
Keywords: global and local, virtual space, challenges and threats, self-realization of youth, soft skills, threat of precariat.
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