O. Likhacheva, O. Shilovich, Y. Koroleva,
Olga N. Likhacheva – candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the foreign languages chair №1 Kuban State Technological University (Russia, Krasnodar), E-mail: olga-lihacheva@rambler.ru
Oleg B. Shilovich – senior lecturer of the Economic Theory and Investments chair Kuban State Technological University (Russia, Krasnodar), E-mail: olga-lihacheva@rambler.ru
Yulia V. Koroleva – senior lecturer of the Heat power engineering and thermotechnics chair Kuban State Technological University (Russia, Krasnodar), E-mail: olga-lihacheva@rambler.ru
Abstract. Motivation is important for the qualitative work. It is motivation that can provide proper studies and work as well as any other type of activity. Actuality of this article consists in the necessity of formation and development of students’ motivation for university studies and strengthening the teacher’s role as the main motivator of the above activity. The aim of the research is to define the importance of the teacher for the development of students’ motivation, work out the aspects and mechanisms of perfection of the motivation component in the context of modern teaching and communication in a foreign language. The tasks of the research are represented by the following aspects: to study a modern condition of a teacher – student communication at the university lesson; to work out qualitative and required recommendations for the teacher as the main motivator of the student’s academic activity; to work out the aspects of perfection of a teacher – student communication for the formation of further students’ motivation and improving the academic process. Methods of the research are comparison, watching, experiment, contrast. The result of the investigation is represented by complex recommendations for improving the academic process at the university taking into consideration the teacher as the main motivator of the student’s activity. Correspondingly the conclusions of the research are as follows: it is necessary to develop inner student’s motivation by means of a certain correction of the teacher’s activity taking into account his defining role.
Keywords: motivation, research, motivator, teacher’s personality, psychological atmosphere, comfortable atmosphere, contact, adaptation, proper.
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