ISSN 2409-7616

N. Erokhina


Nadezhda S. Erokhina – senior teacher, Construction department Transbaikal State University (Russia, Chita), E-mail:

Abstract. The article reveals the importance and relevance of the problem of “research culture” formation as one of the components of engineering students’ professional and personal development. The article shows the process of research culture development through research activities of future engineers. In scientific works of many Russian and foreign scientists the interrelation between education system and culture is traced, it gives the chance to solve problems which modern education undergoes. Changes taking place in modern society, rapid development of science and technology make future specialists more demanding to the quality of their professional training. Nowadays employers are focused not only on highly qualified specialists, but also on competent, initiative specialists, who are able to make decisions in non-standard situations and bear responsibility for them, ready for constant self-development, self-improvement and increase of the level of their professional training. In this regard, the formation of professional and research culture in the students of the university becomes an integral component in the process of their professional training, gives an opportunity to future engineers to be realized in the chosen profession, be in demand in the labor market and is a kind of guarantee of their successful development as professionals.

Keywords: activity, culture, research culture, research activity, professional culture, knowledge, abilities, skills, education, competence, self-education.



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