ISSN 2409-7616

B. Zarovnyaev, G. Shubin, M. Sobakina, A. Nikolaeva, M. Ammosova


Boris N. Zarovnyaev – Ph. D, professor of NEFU доктор технических наук, профессор, Director of the Mining Institute,
Full member of the Academy of Mining Sciences (Russia, Yakutsk), E-mail:

Gregory V. Shubin – Ph. D, assistant professor NEFU Department “Mining” Mining Institute (Russia, Yakutsk), E-mail:

Maria P. Sobakina – assistant NEFU Department”Mining” Mining Institute (Russia, Yakutsk), E-mail:

Alexandra A. Nikolaeva – Senior Lecturer NEFU Department”Mining” Mining Institute (Russia, Yakutsk), E-mail:

Marfa N. Ammosova – Senior Lecturer NEFU DeputyDirector of the Mining Institute (Russia, Yakutsk), E-mail:

Abstract. The program of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation provides for the development of the Far Eastern region, located in the strategically important Asia-Pacific region (APR), where blasting are highly demanded, and therefore training of personnel for blasting operations. The NEFU Mining Institute has developed and agreed in accordance with the established procedure at Rostechnadzor personnel training programs. Developed universal electronic didactic materials on the theoretical part of the training, the design of blasting, the regulatory part, used in the preparation of different programs, which allows distance learning, and also improves the quality of training. The created universal didactic materials give the possibility of partial distance training of personnel for blasting for the right to produce and direct blasting, as well as for students for an additional working profession. Each group of developed didactic materials carries a high methodological and didactic potential and can be effectively used to train personnel in a variety of programs, both for university students, performers of explosive professions in all areas and profiles, as well as engineering and technical personnel for conferring the right to control blasting works that ensures their versatility.

Keywords: blasting, personnel, training programs, versatile teaching materials.



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