V. Evseev, G. Osadchaya, I. Seleznev
Vadim O. Evseev – Doctor of Economics, Professor Department of political science and sociology Russian University of Economics G. V. Plekhanov, Member of the scientific Council ISPR on the problems of Eurasian integration (Russia, Moscow), RISC-SPIN-code: 3997-1213, E-mail: manrus@mail.ru
Galina I. Osadchaya – Doctor of sociology, Professor Scientific Secretary of the ISPR, Chairman of the Scientific Council «Socio-political problems formation of the Eurasian economic Union (EAEU)»(Russia, Moscow), RISC-SPIN-code: 6918-1267, E-mail: osadchaya111@gmail.com
Igor A. Seleznev – Candidate of sociological Sciences, associate Professor Leading researcher of the Center the study of the processes of Eurasian integration ISPR RAS FNESC (Russia, Moscow), RISC-SPIN-code: 4902-0364, E-mail: igdrake@yandex.com
Abstract. The main issue of the study is the analysis and systematization of factors associated with various aspects of the formation of the United economic space within the framework of integration and bringing these factors to the requirements of their use in expert systems. Also, the aim of the presented work was to draw up rules on the use of selected factors in the expert system. The essence of the right was composed of the research Institute of the system of causal relationships between factors and dominate-the main concepts selected for evaluation of aspects of integration. The functions of integration, the stability of the integration process, the level of separatism, and political risks were chosen in the form of defining concepts. The aim of the work was not only the development and compilation of the expert system, but also its adjustment to the sensitivity in the range of the expected response intervals. Results. The results of the construction of the expert system were in the form of graphical information that reflects all aspects of the state of the integration space. Conclusions: the proposed expert system includes more than 300 cause-and-effect relationships and therefore belongs to the experimental experiment system. A professional expert system should be loaded with at least 1000 cause-and-effect relationships describing all aspects of integration processes. But even the experimental expert system provides answers that reveal the strengths and weaknesses of integration processes. Expert systems are intellectual products and therefore are subject to all rights related to the use of intellectual property.
Keywords: expert system, integration, separatism, sustainable development, functionality, decision-making, rules of construction, probability of outcome, intellectual property.
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