A. Chistobaeva
Anna J. Chistobaeva – Candidate of pedagogic sciences, Assist. Prof. at the Department of Logopedics and Children’s Speech, The Institute of Childhood, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (Russia, Novosibirsk), SPIN-code: 1029-2979, E-mail: chisto_anna@mail.ru
Abstract. Modern trends in the development of education in Russia are dictated by the processes occurring in society and correspond to the demands of its development. In this regard, as a fundamental task, higher pedagogical education is faced with the task of forming a set of a teacher’s professional competencies. Under this set of competencies understand the integrative knowledge and abilities in the field of professional educational activities. The article presents the problem of formation teacher’s professional competences in the foreign and native scientists and experts researches, which was embodied through the inclusion of integrative and holistic approach ideas. The possibilities are revealed, the author’s view is justified on the need to use an integrative and holistic approach as a methodological orientation and methodological means in the process of forming professional competencies. The essence of the “integrative-holistic approach” is defined as a system-forming concept. In this article was substantiated the main structural components and the presence of which determines genesis of the integrative-holistic approach. The results of an experimental study are presented that allow us to bring the possibilities of using an integrative and holistic approach in preparing future teachers for professional activities. The results and conclusions of the study expand the knowledge of the methodological and methodological potential of an integrative and holistic approach. It is aimed at improving the educational process in the context of the competence-based model of education.
Keywords: methodological approach, integrative and holistic approach, teacher’s professional competence, competence model of education, the process of formation of competencies.
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