ISSN 2409-7616

Z. Brodovskaya


 Zinaida V. Brodovskaya, – Candidate Sci., Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education FSBEI of HE “Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University”, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education of the Institute of Childhood ((Russia, Novosibirsk), SPIN-code: 2781-4007, E-mail:

 Abstract. Socio-economic problems in the country led to a worsening of the demographic situation, which led to an increase in the number of small schools and classes with low occupancy. The article shows the features of the organization of training in a small school. Analyzed the disadvantages and advantages of the teacher in the conditions of low occupancy classes. The main signs of independent activity of students are revealed. The problem of developing the skills of independent work in younger schoolchildren is found most acutely in the conditions of a rural small school, as it has a number of features that manifest themselves in the organization of the educational process, the content of education, in the choice of leading methods, means, and forms of training. Independent work of students can be considered as a set of methods of organizing the cognitive activity of students, proceeding on the instructions at a certain time, without the direct guidance of the teacher. For the successful formation of the skills of independent work of students of small schools, it is necessary to regularly develop their skills of self-control and self-esteem. This means to include in the work on the lesson individual, steam room and collective forms of independent work, as well as systematically check the results of independent tasks for each student. The article reveals the role of independent work, the effectiveness of which determines the effectiveness of the entire educational process in a small school.

Keywords: small schools, younger students, independent work, skills of independent work, pedagogical conditions, educational activities.



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