ISSN 2409-7616

E. Lisovets, M. Dmitrieva


Elena Yu. Lisovets – undergraduate, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology (Russia, Krasnoyarsk), E-mail:

Marina L. Dmitrieva – Assistant professor, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology (Russia, Krasnoyarsk), E-mail:

Abstract. Socio-cultural sphere is part of the system of social reproduction, which is part of an all-encompassing super-system – a society consisting of interconnected but independent systems (or spheres) of activity: economic, social, spiritual and political. It is very important for organizations that carry out this type of activity to properly evaluate their work in order to get the most effect and satisfaction from people. The article sets out the views of domestic and foreign scientists on the assessment of objects of the socio-cultural sphere of organizations, which will allow for a thorough study.

Keywords: socio-cultural sphere, objects of socio-cultural sphere, evaluation of objects of socio-cultural sphere.



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