E. Kudryavtseva, G. Lizunova, I. Taskina, Nadezhda M. Zayats
Elena Yu. Kudryavtseva – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of pedagogics, psychology and social work Gorno-Altaysk state university (Russia, Gorno-Altaysk); E-mail: ekudris@mail.ru
Galina Yu. Lizunova – candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor of pedagogics, psychology and social work Gorno-Altaysk state university (Russia, Gorno-Altaysk); ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3937-227Х; E-mail: ufkz2008@mail.ru
Irina A. Taskina – candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of pedagogics, psychology and social work Gorno-Altaysk state university (Russia, Gorno-Altaysk); ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2388-3868; E-mail:taskina-i@mail.ru
Nadezhda M. Zayats – candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of pedagogics, psychology and social work Gorno-Altaysk state university (Russia, Gorno-Altaysk); ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9807-8118; E-mail:sajcn@mail.ru
Abstract. The research is executed within a grant of RGNF No. 17-16-04003 “Social and psychological consequences of social and economic differentiation of indigenous ethnic groups of Altai Republic”. Authors regard Altai Republic as the multinational, polycultural region and analyze problems of development and maintaining ethnocultural traditions of indigenous ethnic groups of Altai Republic.
Keywords: indigenous ethnic groups, social and economic differentiation, ethnos, social education, traditions, polycultural territory, ethnosocial education.
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