ISSN 2409-7616

L. Mardakhayev


Lev V. Mardakhayev – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor social and family pedagogy Russian State Social University, (Moscow, Russia); E-mail:, ORCID ID:

 Annotation. The article reveals the essence of informal, natural, environmental education, as the education of a minor through a way of life. The sources of the natural upbringing of the child, which are reflected in the theory of free education, are highlighted. The validity and criticality of the free education of the imperfect year old are presented. It reveals the understanding of the essence of lifestyle as a factor in the education of a minor. The most typical environments in which lifestyle has a significant impact on the upbringing of the younger generation are highlighted. The characteristic of a qualitative change in the family and the influence of its lifestyle, developing in it on the natural upbringing of children, as well as the increasing role of parents in the manifestation of behavior, as an example to follow children, are given. The essence of the lifestyle of minors in various educational organizations, various leisure centers, children’s and youth sports organizations, as well as an understanding of the need for their pedagogy from the position of S.Т. Shatsky and A.S. Makarenko. The understanding of the developed children’s educational team developed by A.S. Makarenko, his characterological features, and also highlighted the parameters of the order prevailing in the children’s educational environment, which are the basis of its stability. The way of life in formal and informal youth associations, as well as the streets, which act as factors of natural education of minors, is distinguished and revealed. The necessity of their pedagogization is emphasized.

Keywords: education, natural education, free education, lifestyle, environment, pedagogization of the environment.



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