ISSN 2409-7616

V. Borkovskaya


Victoria G. Borkovskaya – PhD in Economics, Professor, Complex Safety in Construction Department of National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU),(Russia, Moscow); E-mail:

Abstract. In this article, the problems of implementing a quality management system in a highly competitive environment are disclosed. The main definitions of the quality management system (hereinafter QMS), as well as the seven principles on which it is based, are presented; four interrelated categories of the term “quality” are considered. The characteristic features of QMS introduction at enterprises with consideration of not only the basic requirements to the products and requirements of consumers, but also taking into account the expectations of the consumer are analyzed. The necessity of the transition of the quality management process, based on the control and struggle against defects in the really managerial activity, is revealed. Based on the study of the competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises, it is established that the main proof of the ability to produce products of the appropriate quality stably is a certified, independent certification body, a quality management system. The author of the article presents a comparative analysis of the QMS condition at foreign and domestic enterprises. And also the percentage indicators, depending on the implemented QMS at the enterprises of the construction industry, are presented. Based on the practice, it was found that decent results from the introduction of QMS appear only when the employees of the enterprise themselves are engaged in the development, description and implementation of processes. The article analyzes the main problems that arise in enterprises in the absence of QMS, namely: the lack of management of non-conforming products, the lack of evaluation and reassessment of the supplier, the lack of established internal information exchange, the lack of corrective and preventive actions. As a key proof of the achievement of positive results from the implementation of QMS, such facts as: receipt of state orders, QMS certification, stability of supplies, staff participation in ensuring the quality of all production processes, assets of the enterprise, etc. It was noted that the best approach to management is the application of the ISO 9000 series in the company’s activities. Based on the above, the author comes to the conclusion that the most important and main argument for the development and implementation of the QMS on the pre Nevertheless, satisfaction of expectations and needs of the consumer remains.

Keywords: Risks, project management, quality management system, implementation, products, competitiveness, enterprise, consumer, requirements, risk management, quality management.



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