ISSN 2409-7616

I. Vorotilkina


Irina M. Vorotilkina – Doctor of Pedagogic sciences, Professor Sholom-Aleichem Priamursky state university Head of the department of service, advertizing and social work (Russia, Birobidzhan); E-mail:

Annotation. The article, on the example of the Jewish Autonomous Region, addresses the problem of preserving and developing a prosperous family, creating the necessary conditions for strengthening the family way of life in order to fulfill the social functions of the family. The author notes that the level of family well-being in the region depends, among other things, on the social and economic sphere: on the development of the region’s economy, on the creation of new, well-paid jobs, on increasing people’s incomes, on improving housing conditions, social infrastructure, development accessible, modern preschool and school education, from high-quality medical care, as well as from the development of a network of leisure facilities and institutions of additional education. In this regard, there is a need for innovative management solutions aimed at developing the economic independence of the family and family-work activity. One of the main priorities for successful development of the region should be the strengthening of the family as the basis of the state, the formation of conditions under which an especially young family could feel confident in the future, feel protected from the risks associated with the birth of a child, the emergence of several children in the family. As priority vectors in the sphere of work with young people and young families, such areas as support and development of the institution of a prosperous young family should act, since it is the quality of life of the younger generation and family well-being that determines the future of the region.The author is in the position of the need to move from a family policy, oriented mainly to families in a difficult life situation, to a policy of universal family well-being. It is the well-being of the family that is the well-being of the region, and the well-being of the region is one of the important factors affecting the well-being of the family.

Keywords: family, youth, well-being, social guarantees, health, values, family policy.



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