N. Popova
Natalia Popova – Ph. D. in philosophy, associate Professor of the Department Of organization of work with young people of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (Russia, Yekaterinburg), RSCI SPIN-4452-2290 (ORCID: 0000-0002-8711-6510), e-mail: NV_Popova@mail.ru
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of public opinion of youth leaders on the organization of work with young people in industrial enterprises of Sverdlovsk region. The purpose of the study is to develop proposals and recommendations to improve the organization of work with young people, including motivation of youth leaders to social activities in enterprises in the field of work with young people. The subject of the research is the opinion of young workers about the organization of work with young people in industrial enterprises. The subject is the opinion of young workers about the organization of work with young people in industrial enterprises. The author used the methods of document analysis, sociological survey and comparative data analysis. The author has identified a number of problems related to the implementation of youth programs and proposed recommendations for its improvement, using the results of a survey of 1,000 young workers, including combining production activities with social enterprises in the field of work with young people. According to the results of the study, the author formulated a number of proposals to the administration of the studied enterprises on improving the implementation of youth corporate programs and motivation of youth leaders, including the development of career and professional development for the most promising of them. In addition, these results can be used: first, to clarify issues related to the organization of work with young people in an industrial enterprise; secondly, to develop and implement social technologies and scientifically based recommendations for the implementation of youth policy in the real sector of the economy; thirdly, in the teaching of subjects such as social philosophy, sociology, social psychology and psychology, and, above all, social partnership of public entities, leadership in the youth environment, management of professional careers of young people, social activity.
Keywords: youth policy, youth leader, young worker, industrial enterprise, satisfaction.
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