T. Petrova, V. Butorin
Tatiana Petrova – candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Moscow Aviation Institute (national Research University) (MAI), (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-код: 5281-5730; E-mail: Peta-63@mail.ru
Vladimir Butorin – Doctor of Sociology, Professor of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, (Russia, Malakhovka), E-mail: but_vlad@list.ru
Annotation. The theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of the value system of the Russian youth through the prism of student sport, the organization of patriotic education in the system of higher education are considered in the article. The conditions for the formation of the value system of modern youth are discussed through involvement in student sport. Student sport is considered by the authors as part of the culture and lifestyle of the young man, as a sports reserve, part of the sport of higher achievements. The directions of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation. Federal programs and legislative acts regulating the organization and support of the development of student sports in our country, affecting the formation of patriotic education, the importance of which can not be overemphasized in modern realities. The necessity of popularization of the subject “Physical Culture” is suggested, especially in non-profile higher education institutions, its importance in the education of youth and its preparation for active social life. to support youth in our country, student sports, but it is necessary to continue, consolidate the results, multiply. For this, it is necessary to connect all social institutions, categories of citizens, all those who care about the fate of the Fatherland and the youth as the basis for the development of civil society.
Key words: student sport, youth policy, value orientations, patriotism, physical culture.
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