N. Koshman
Natalya Koshman – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the theory and technique of educational systems of institute of culture and youth policy “The Novosibirsk state pedagogical university”, Honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation (Russia, Novosibirsk),RSCI SPIN-cod:7180-0110, e-mail: n.koshman@mail.ru
Abstract. In article the problem of formation of valuable orientations in the context of formation of vital prospects of modern youth is considered. Special attention is paid to a research of such value as ” family “. In work it is shown what place this value takes in the system of orientations of student’s youth of institute of culture and youth policy, her such characteristics as a zhelayemost and availability are analysed. The author analyzes understanding of a problem of valuable orientations in domestic psychology, represents various points of view on this problem, relying, generally on works of domestic psychologists. Special attention in work is paid to the concept of dispositional regulation of the identity of V.A. Yadov in which valuable orientations are considered as one of the main mechanisms of regulation of behavior. As the main technique of a research the author uses a technique E. B. Fanatalova who at the seeming simplicity of application allows to obtain extensive and interesting information not only on the content of valuable orientations, but also their representation in structure of the personality.
Keywords: youth, family, valuable orientations, vital prospects, student’s youth, rating of appeal, zhelayemost, value, behavior, availability.
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