ISSN 2409-7616

S. Runov


Sergey Runovcandidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the Department of social pedagogy, Russian State Social University (Russia, Moscow), RINC SPIN-kod 6420-9751; e-mail:

Annotation. The article reveals and analyzes the key features of the kindergarten FVA. Frobel as a social and pedagogical system. His pedagogical heritage has a high educational level. F.V.A. Fröbel pointed out that children should not be made artisans, but it would be highly beneficial to conduct manual lessons with them in kindergarten. However, in his opinion, manual work acquires its educational significance only when it is enlightened by reason, “is a free reasonable activity”. Games and manual labor (which is also mental) were accompanied in the kindergarten by F.V. Frobbel conversations (moral and natural history), friendly conversations about subjects and subjects taken from the world around the child, poems, singing. All of the above served the moral development of the child. The study allowed to reveal the main features of the kindergarten F.V. Frobel as a social and pedagogical system. At the same time, the presented research results offer promising opportunities for a more detailed, detailed study of individual components of the kindergarten as social pedagogical subsystems.

Key words: F.W.A. Fröbel, kindergarten, social pedagogy, history of social pedagogy, social-pedagogical system.


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