ISSN 2409-7616

V. Balandin, E. Balandina


Vladimir Balandin – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of department “Motor transportation and technosphere safety” of Vladimir State University,(Russia, Vladimir), e-mail:

Elena Balandina – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of department “Motor transportation and technosphere safety” of Vladimir State University, (Russia, Vladimir), e-mail:

 Annotation. In article the way of assessment of an innovative and competence-based component of personnel of an average link of the higher school by the integrated modular principle is considered. Visualization of data with the help of the individual petal chart can serve as result of assessment of competences of personnel. When forming the block of the competences specific to concrete laboratory (disciplines, a course, etc.), the group of competences joins the indicators guaranteeing competitiveness of educational institutions by criteria of labor protection and safety measures. Use of this method will allow the worker who passed similar test to estimate strong and weaknesses and consequently, to find a right way for self-improvement. Similar approach will allow to draw a conclusion on degree of formation of competences of the employee of an average link of a higher educational institution and promotes increase in safety at the organization and carrying out educational process.

Key words: the competence-based focused assessment, criteria of labor protection and safety measures, the petal personal chart.


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