M. Vasilieva, E. Mardahayeva
Marina Vasilyeva – candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Disciplines “The Academy of Social Management”, RSCI SPIN-code: 3836-3221, e-mail: ipk1@yandex.ru, (Russia, Moscow)
Elena Mardakhaeva – candidate of pedagogical sciences,Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Disciplines “The Academy of Social Management”, RSCI SPIN-code: 1155-6511, e-mail: ipk1@yandex.ru, (Russia, Moscow)
Abstract. The article is based on the main key ideas of the concept of the development of Russian mathematical education, one of them is the idea of applying information technologies in mathematical education as the basis for anticipating at the world level. The article examines the implementation of the requirements of the federal state educational standard of basic general education in the course of studying tasks for work in 9 classes, and their solutions using geometric models. The consideration of geometric models in the solution of algebraic problems allows us to build closer interdisciplinary connections, to update knowledge of geometric material. In the process of work, the possibilities of ICT tools for computer modeling are used. An example of the use of various types of work with a geometric model constructed using computer software is disclosed. The use of multimedia technologies with elements of interactive interaction with the user will make it possible to realize the developing potential of basic general and secondary education, which is the priority direction of the new educational standards.
Keywords: geometrical models in solving problems; the tasks on the work, computer simulation.
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