L. Mardakhaev, E. Varlamova
Lev Mardakhaev – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Social Pedagogy, Faculty of social work, Russian State Social University (Moscow), Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russian Federation, e-mail: mantissa-m@mail.ru
Elena Varlamova – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of English language Department, Faculty of foreign languages, Chuvash State Pedagogical University (Cheboksary), e-mail: ev302@mail.ru
Annotation. The article considers the problem of professional education of a future teacher and preparing him for fulfilling educational activity of foreign-language content, taking into account set purposes, orientation to the education task solution and features of functioning of the polycultural society. The authors deal with the problem of developing foreign-language professional (didactic) speech as the meaningful feature of the foreign-language communicative competence of the teacher. The requirements to the mentioned communicative features of bachelors of pedagogical education, future teachers, are considered in interrelation with basic principles of intensive teaching foreign languages. The article contains the description of implementation of intensive teaching foreign languages and learning foreign-language culture in the educational process on developing foreign-language professional speech of the teacher, accounting the factor of the polycultural level of the educational environment.
Keywords: foreign-language professional competence, communicative competence, foreign-language professional (didactic) speech of teacher, educational process, polycultural educational environment, foreign-language professional training of future teacher.
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