ISSN 2409-7616

O. Ganina, E. Plashchevaya, O. Ivanchuk



 Olga G. Ganina – Head teacher of chair of physics, mathematics and medical informatics of Astrakhan State Medical Academy, Astrakhan, Russian Federation, ORCID:, E-mail:

Elena V. Plashchevaya – Cand. Sc. Education, Associate professor of a medical physics department of Amur State Medical Academy, Blagoveshchensk, Russian Federation, ORCID:, E-mail:

Olga V. Ivanchuk – Doctor of Education, associate professor, Head of a department of physics, mathematics and medical informatics of Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan, Russian Federation, ORCID:, E-mail:

Abstract. As is shown by the analysis of methodic literature and practice of training future doctors in clinical disciplines, situational tasks simulating professional activity are applied as didactic means. Such situational tasks have strongly pronounced professional contents and their solving allows the students to apply theoretical knowledge and teachers to create additional motivation to studying subject knowledge. Having generalized the available experience of implementing the situational approach we put forward an assumption about the necessity and practicability of applying the given approach to teaching physics to medical universities students. In spite of the huge experience of implementing the situational approach into educational process, availability of numerous definitions of the notion “situational approach”, nowadays there weren’t revealed algorithms of developing such situational tasks in physics as well as requirements to their creation (selection, design). For solving the given issues, the authors performed analysis of situations that appear in professional activity of doctors from the point of view of a psychological component. The given approach is conditioned by the need of forming clinical thinking among future doctors, which undoubtedly lies in the subject field of psychology. It was established that among many professional situations there may be singled out crisis, necessity, choice, conflict, fight, innovation situations. Using the generalized contents of the given situations, requirements to situational tasks as means of teaching physics to future doctors, were formulated. The developed didactic material in the form of laboratory practical work was introduced in the practical training of teaching physics to students of medical universities. For assessing the efficiency of the developed didactic means there were used methods of mathematical statistics that allow confirming the accuracy of the obtained results.

Keywords: situational approach, teaching physics to students of medical universities, requirements to didactic means of teaching.



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For citation:

Ganina O.G., Plashchevaya E.V., Ivanchuk O.V. Theoretical principles of developing a physics course in a medical university. CITISE, 2020, no. 2, pp. 27-37. DOI: