Kozlovskaya S., Shimanovskaya Y., Shimanovskaya K., Drobyshev M., Kozlovskaya D.
Yanina Shimanovskaya — Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department of social technologies, Russian State Social University (Moscow), e-mail: ya1873@yandex.ru
Svetlana Kozlovskaya — Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate professor of Department of theory and methodic of social work, Russian State Social University (Moscow), e-mail: snk4246270@mail.ru
Kristina Shimanovskaya — Specialist of teaching and guiding at Preparing Educational Documents Department, Russian State Social University (Moscow)
Maxim Drobyshev — third-year-student, Faculty of public administration and financial control, Financial University under government of Russian Federation (Moscow)
Daria Kozlovskaya — third-year-student, Faculty of public administration and financial control, Financial University under government of Russian Federation (Moscow)
Annotation. This article presents the essential characteristic of indicators which define the quality of life. The appeal to the problem is urgent because assessment criteria of indicators defining quality of life, make it possible to create a picture of objective reality. They serve for the government helping to provide the certain social level and to develop the system of state guarantees in socio-economical policy.
Keywords: quality of life, welfare, social protection, population and health, education, living conditions, quality of products and services, environmental situation, legal protection, culture, physical culture and sport, tourism.
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