Likhacheva O.N., Petrova S.I., Molyarenko A.M., Boichenko I.V.
UDC 378
Likhacheva O.N.1 (Krasnodar, Russian Federation) –; Petrova S.I.1 (Krasnodar, Russian Federation) –; Molyarenko A.M.1 (Krasnodar, Russian Federation) –; Boichenko I.V.1 (Krasnodar, Russian Federation) –
1IMSIT Academy
Abstract. Communicating with people is both a science and an art. Both natural abilities and education are important here. Business communication is a special type of communication that is realized in the joint professional and subject activities of people. The ability to behave properly when communicating with people is one of the most important, if not the most important, factor determining the chances of success in business, official or entrepreneurial activities. A business conversation is an oral contact between people related to the interests of the business. To achieve a positive result in solving the tasks set, you need to know some rules of conducting a business conversation. The main stages of a business conversation are the following aspects. First, the establishment of a contact (acquaintance). It involves understanding another person, presenting yourself to another person. Secondly, orientation in a communication situation, understanding what is happening, taking a pause. Thirdly, the discussion of the problem of interest. Fourth, the solution to the problem. Fifth, the end of contact (exit from it). The success of any conversation depends mainly on three conditions, namely, the ability to interest the interlocutor, the creation of mutual trust during the meeting, the use of methods of suggestion and persuasion. The relevance of this study lies in the urgent need to take into account high-quality communication in order to achieve a positive communication result. The subject of this study is various types of communication and their disadvantages, as well as ways to correct this situation. The scientific novelty of the work is certain recommendations for ensuring high-quality interpersonal communication at the present stage. The practical significance of the work lies in the use of the proposed developments in academic activities, as well as in direct communication to achieve an effect in business and everyday communication.
Keywords: communication, effect, result, high-quality communication, business communication, goals, prospects of communication, development.
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For citation: Likhacheva O.N., Petrova S.I., Molyarenko A.M., Boichenko I.V. On the issue of high-quality language communication in modern realities. CITISE, 2025, no. 1, pp. 25-32.