Skvortsova N.A., Emelin D.A.
Skvortsova N.A.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Emelin D.A.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –
1Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy»
Abstract. The article considers the process of managing the economic efficiency of innovation activity of the enterprise as a key factor in achieving strategic results. The purpose of the work is to consider approaches to strategic planning and implementation of innovations, to study the process of influence on the state and quality of business processes, to investigate direct and indirect indicators of enterprise performance. The experience of development of theories of economic efficiency management in the context of various innovative aspects of business activities is shown. The approach to efficiency assessment on the basis of retrospective and current data on the economic and financial condition and market advantages of the enterprise is updated. The fundamental strategic tasks that allow to develop adaptive mechanisms in the new realities are highlighted. Attention is emphasized on the management system and management system of the enterprise as an economic category. The authors pay special attention to the analysis of characteristics affecting the success of the enterprise, such as flexibility, research and development, organizational culture, knowledge management, technological innovations. Types of classifications of economic efficiency classification of enterprise innovation activity are highlighted. The model of enterprise activity management from the position of innovation potential, including the subject of management, management system, efficiency criteria and external environment is emphasized. The analysis of indicators and criteria for assessing the economic efficiency of innovation activity of the enterprise is presented. Production efficiency in the context of cost and profitability ratios is considered. The indicators of business activity are studied. The effectiveness of the allocative type of criteria for assessing strategic development and the quality of business processes is reflected. Adaptive economic efficiency is considered by the authors as the state according to which the innovative product in specific conditions of development and the state of costs will have the lowest production cost and the lowest transaction costs. The conclusion is that the effective management of innovation activity is an integral part of sustainable development of the enterprise and requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account both internal and external factors. The findings suggest the possibility of influencing the state and quality of business processes. Management of innovation activity of the enterprise allows to respond not only to current challenges, but also to shape the future, creating new opportunities for growth.
Keywords: economic efficiency, systematicity, innovation activity, economic efficiency indicators, business process, strategic improvement.
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For citation: Skvortsova N.A., Emelin D.A. Management of economic efficiency of innovation activity of the enterprise to achieve sustainable results. CITISE, 2025, no. 1, pp. 53-72.