Gayazova G.A., Mozzherin V.D., Urolov S.U., Kachagin A.A., Inozemtseva D.N.
UDC 338:614
Gayazova G.A.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –; Mozzherin V.D.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –; Urolov S.U.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –; Kachagin A.A.2 (Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation) –; Inozemtseva D.N.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –
1Ufa University of Science and Technology
2Ulyanovsk State University
Abstract. Protecting the health of the population of the Russian Federation is one of the priorities of our state’s social policy. The study of the patterns of influence of a complex of natural and socio-economic factors of the geographical environment on the health of the population requires a deep and scientifically based use of the methodology of medical statistics. Today, society faces serious challenges, the solution of which often lies in the plane of joint scientific interests. Medical geography makes a huge contribution to the scientific explanation and conceptual foundations of the organization of society. The problems she considers cover all spheres of life: economic, demographic, political and natural environment. The economic growth of industrial production is increasing, which means that the level of industrial waste and household garbage is also increasing, and the negative impact on the environment is increasing. In addition to air pollution, there is also interference with the Earth’s crust and water resources. Unfortunately, the annual increase in gross emissions of pollutants causes serious environmental harm and, as a result, cancer diseases of the population. The article provides: collection, systematization, scientific generalization and qualitative analysis of diverse information about natural, economic, geographical, medical and sanitary conditions of territories in order to identify their impact on public health. The statistical materials and research methods used made it possible to carry out a medical and geographical assessment and diagnosis of cancer mortality in Sterlibashevsky and Fedorovsky districts of the Republic of Bashkortostan. In the process of conducting a study on a complex oncological situation, ready-made statistical data (information) were used, and based on them, a chart of mortality rates from neoplasms for the period 2018-2022 was compiled.
Keywords: Republic of Bashkortostan, Sterlibashevsky and Fedorovsky districts, medical geography, environment, geography, public health, anthropogenic and anthropogenic factors, ecological situation.
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For citation: Gayazova G.A., Mozzherin V.D., Urolov S.U., Kachagin A.A., Inozemtseva D.N. Methods of conducting a medical and geographical assessment (on the example of the territory of Sterlibashevsky and Fedorovsky districts of the Republic of Bashkortostan). CITISE. 2024. no. 3. pp. 212-222.