ISSN 2409-7616

Mabiala G., Linskiy D.V., Maglevanny R.S.


UDC 338.45

Mabiala G.1 (Simferopol, Russian Federation) –; Linskiy D.V.1 (Simferopol, Russian Federation) –; Maglevanny R.S.1 (Simferopol, Russian Federation) –

1V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

Abstract. The article summarises the theoretical and conceptual aspects of the development of industrial production structures. Its essential characteristic is studied in the context of ensuring the functioning of the transformation of the Russian economy. The concept of industry as a scientific category is defined, and the main essential features and criteria for attributing types of industry activities to it are revealed. The theoretical, practical, and empirical positions on ensuring the implementation of industrial programs in Russia and the measures taken for its sustainable development in the modern transformational conditions of the economy of the country and its regions are clarified. The problematic situations and directions for the formation and sustainable development of Russian industry in the transformational conditions of its economy are systematically highlighted. Approaches to the typologization of types of industrial and sectoral activities in Russian and foreign practice are also systematized. The specific issue of the formation of the content of the industrial development policy is considered. In addition, the variability of the composition of the studied object is determined, and the existing trends are characterized. In addition, the conditions and the state of formation of the modern industrial complex are characterized. The factor determinants determining the functional state of the newly formed industrial complex in Russia are considered. It is established that the Russian industry is a system of 269.2 thousand polystructural industry formations, which are determined by the sectoral, territorial, functional and organizational structure, and which include over 17025 large mining organizations, including 636 coal mining, 1098 oil and gas production organizations, and 252209 processing organizations. The main problems with the development of modern industry in Russia are caused by its crisis state, which was the result of previously ill-conceived radical economic reforms. It is stated that in modern realities, in conditions of limited openness of the economy and sanctions pressure, the priority of strategic and long-term development of the industry and its sub-sector in the country is to achieve technical and technological sovereignty. It is established that the development of the components of the Russian industrial complex requires harmonization and improvement of the regulatory framework for ensuring the development of industrial structures.

Keywords: industry, economic sectors, subcomplexes of Russian industry, mining, manufacturing industry, competitiveness, development, concept-strategy «Russia-2024».


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For citation: Mabiala G., Linskiy D.V., Maglevanny R.S. The aspects of formation and development of industry Russia in the context of ensuring the effectiveness of the transformation economy. CITISE, 2024, no. 3, pp. 153-170.