Kudasheva M.S.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.2.33
UDC 334.735
Abstract. The current realities of economic development determine the trend towards digitalization of all spheres of activity. This process requires the transition of the agricultural sector to digital agriculture with the involvement of all market participants in this system. The state, as one of the regulators of the business digitalization process, plays a significant role in this process. In the period from 2019 to 2024, the departmental project “Digital Agriculture” is functioning on the territory of the Russian Federation, which involves the development of digital technologies and platform solutions to ensure a technological breakthrough in the agro-industrial complex and achieve productivity growth at agricultural enterprises. Entry into digital agriculture for small agribusinesses is hampered by the presence of barriers due to limited financial, human and information resources. It is proposed to consider the issue of digitalization of agriculture from the point of view of the information needs of the subject and the assessment of the information content of resources for the process of its satisfaction. Collective users of information are defined as the subject. The article discusses the algorithm for meeting the information needs of collective users, the description and indicators of the departmental project, the composition of platform solutions and information resources. The model of choosing an information resource to meet the needs of collective users is applied on the example of the Unified Federal Information System of Agricultural Land. Focusing on the application of the theory of information needs of participants in the process of digitalization of agriculture will increase the efficiency of the transition to smart agriculture in the territory of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The model for evaluating resources according to the degree of their compliance with information requests and the essence of the information needs of the process participant can be actively used when testing the performance of the integrated platform.
Keywords: information need, information resource, digital agriculture, assessment model.
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For citation:
Kudasheva M.S. Information needs of collective users in the context of digital agriculture. CITISE, 2021, no. 2, pp.345-355. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.2.33