Kuznetsov A.S.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.1.10
UDC 37.01
Kuznetsov A.S.1 (Omsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail: zavalov.artem@yandex.ru
1Omsk State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The Children’s Social Association is an effective tool for the social upbringing of children and adolescents. The pedagogy of children’s public associations has its own history, both in Russia and abroad. The formation of modern children’s public associations is wary of the fact that it takes place on the basis of Soviet experience. Children’s public associations in the USSR were created by political and politicized organizations. There are attempts to use the experience of the United States and Europe in this matter, to borrow other people’s models of education. But, Russian and foreign experience are very different. Different theoretical foundations are used and various educational problems are solved. Foreign experience based on theories of social learning and pragmatic actions cannot be used for patriotic education of children and young people. On this basis, it is possible to form social skills and competencies of action, but not an active patriotic position based on love for the Fatherland. Patriotic education of children and young people is one of the key problems of modern Russian society. In this sense, the pedagogy of a children’s public association is a continuous pedagogical phenomenon in which invariant approaches and solutions have developed that operate without politicization. The author presents the conditions for the effectiveness of patriotic education of children and young people in children’s social movements. At the same time, information approaches in patriotic education give way to activity, foreign experience can complement Russian models.
Keywords: children’s social association, social education, patriotic education, model, theoretical foundations, conditions of efficiency.
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For citation:
Kuznetsov A.S. Patriotic education in a children’s social association: Russian and foreign approaches. CITISE, 2021, no. 1, pp.111-119. DOI:http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2021.1.10