ISSN 2409-7616

Valieva T.I.



UDC 330

Valieva T.I.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova

Abstract.The article is devoted to the study of the problem of improving advertising activities aimed at creating an artistic and imaginative representation of the tourism industry, as one of the main segments of strengthening the socio-economic sphere of the state. As in all areas of consumer services, consumer demand in the tourism industry is constantly changing. This led to the need to study the needs of users in the services of travel agencies and find those tempting aspects of the services offered that would attract the interest of potential consumers to the advertised products and, accordingly, to tourism itself. The psycholinguistic component is considered as such an important element in the tourism industry, as a means of artistic perception of the advertising text. Thus, the article is devoted to the analysis of the psycholinguistic features of artistic perception and comprehension of the advertising text, which is distinguished by the qualitative specifics of operating with semantic lexical units, in the development of the tourism industry. Psycholinguistics, as a science about the linguistic aspects of speech activity, social and psychological characteristics of the use of language in the process of verbal and cogitative communication, in advertising, contributes to the saturation of the emotional representation of the advertising product. In addition, advertising activity based on psycholinguistic concepts of speech communication, in a highly competitive service market, helps to overcome consumer distrust in advertising, enrich the visual and verbal images of advertising products, and make the advertiser’s idea a property of the consumer. To strengthen the psycholinguistic orientation of the advertising text, as well as to attract a lively artistically embellished consumer interest in the content of advertising in the tourism industry, it is necessary that the advertising text be focused on the positive characteristics of the service offered. To this end, it is important to use a visual component that not only informs, but also convinces of the advantage of the advertised services. This will help potential consumers of travel services to organize their holidays with pleasure and economically, and companies offering their services to ensure their image, as well as increase sales.

Keywords: advertising text, tourism industry, psycholinguistic orientation of the text, artistic perception of the text.


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For citation:

Valieva T.I. Psycholinguistic features of perception of advertising text in the tourism industry as an economic problem. CITISE, 2021, no. 1, pp.23-29. DOI: