A. Zeldner, V. Osipov
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.4.49
Alexey G. Zeldner –Doctor of Economics, professor, Chief Researcher of Institute of Economics of RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation, E-mail: zeldner@inecon.ru
Vladimir S. Osipov –Doctor of Economics, professor, MGIMO University, Moscow, Russian Federation, E-mail: vs.ossipov@inno.mgimo.ru
Abstract. This year, the implementation of the strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 is being completed (approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2227-R dated 08.12.2011 (ed. from 18.10.2018)). The abundance of strategies, concepts and roadmaps obscures the possibility of their objective assessment in terms of achieving the goals set. The authors carefully analyzed the statistics of the strategy implementation, and came to a disappointing conclusion: the strategy was not implemented. The article analyzes the reasons for this situation, the amount of funding, and structural problems. Much attention is paid to analyzing the experience of foreign countries in implementing innovative strategies. The following positions are suggested as the main conclusions: 1. During the coronavirus pandemic, it became clear that the non-resource sector of the economy is extremely weak and needs to be developed. 2. Innovative development is possible due to the concentration of efforts in the production of software, laser technology, composite materials, nuclear and hydrogen energy. 3. a radical change in the innovation infrastructure is Necessary (the institutional field in this regard is extremely weak). 4. There are objective prerequisites for creating a national center for the development of science with sustainable funding in a separate line of the budget, which ensures the coordination and implementation of priority projects of higher technological structures.
Keywords: innovation, strategy of innovative development, non-resource sector of the economy, national center for science development.
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For citation:
Zeldner A.G., Osipov V.S. Innovation strategy of Russia 2011-2020: results and public administration’s problems. CITISE, 2020, no. 4, pp.560-570. DOI:http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.4.49