V. Vinichenko
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.4.33
Vera A. Vinichenko –Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of advertising and public relations Northeastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russian Federation, E-mail: vera_vinichenko@mail.ru
Abstract. The urgency of the formation problem of intercultural competence of bachelors in advertising and public relations is due to the development of communication means, an increasing level of labor mobility of citizens, the activeness of international cooperation in the framework of cultural, educational, scientific programs, and population migration. In addition, the future professional activity of students is specific, their daily tasks include: establishing relations with the target groups of the organization, carrying out intercultural communication with them. In order to achieve significant results in the formation of intercultural competence of students, a contextual approach was used in the study of the academic disciplines “Contemporary International Relations” and “Intercultural Communication in PR”. In the course of work, the conditions for an effective educational process were determined: the use of contextual learning methods A. Verbitsky; study of academic disciplines in integration with media education; enrichment of the training content with additional media material about the problems of interethnic communication; creation of media texts dedicated to overcoming barriers in establishing interethnic contacts. The purpose of the article is to present the experience of the formation of intercultural competence of students in the context of a contextual approach with a media educational focus. The results of the work can be used in the formation of professionally significant competencies in other universities of the country. The research was based on the use of theoretical (study of literary sources, analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization) and empirical methods (study of pedagogical experience, analysis of works and products of students’ activities, observation, survey, etc.). The methodological foundations of this work are personal-activity and competence-based approaches. The article reflects the content of the main stages (educational-cognitive, quasi-professional, educational-professional) of experimental work, examples of the use of different methods and techniques for the formation of intercultural competence of students during training are given.
Keywords: contextual learning, activity system, intercultural competence, advertising and public relations, bachelors.
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For citation:
Vinichenko V.A. A contextual approach in forming the intercultural competence of bachelors in advertising and public relations. CITISE, 2020, no. 4, pp.381-393. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.4.33