ISSN 2409-7616

M. Ermakova



Maria A. Ermakova –Postgraduate graduate, Department of Theory and Methodology teaching Russian as a foreign language, Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Abstract. The article investigates the problem of compilation of a linguocultural minimum (LcM) for foreign students-phylologists with an advanced level of Russian as a foreign language. The question is raised about the sources of units for LcM – cognitive units, as lexical units including backgroud component of meaning, with the ability to accumulate knowledge are called. A procedure is proposed for determining the linguistic and methodological significance of the cognitive units, i.e., the ability to become units of learning in a foreign audience, which consists of their cognitive and communicative significance for the national linguistic worldview of Russians, which is the basis for including the cognitive units in the LcM. The main attention is paid to precedent texts (PT) – special cognitive units, which have an interpersonal nature and, according to Yu.N. Karaulov, can be described as emotionally and cognitively significant, well-known, repeated for many times and able to be reinterpreted. A distinctive feature of PTs is also functioning in speech not entirely, but through references, which can be performed by the other cognitive units. Criteria and stages of the procedure for identifying LcM units are described and then tested on the basis of the material of the school classical literature – one of the most known materials. The results of the quiz and the associative experiment among Russian speakers of different social and age groups are presented as the list of PTs that are recommended to be included in the LcM for the advanced level of teaching Russian as a foreign language.

Keywords: linguoculturalcompetence, linguocultural minimum, linguomethodical relevance, bilingual personality, precedent text.


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For citation:

Ermakova M.A. School literature as a source of precedent texts. CITISE, 2020, no. 4, pp.307-320. DOI: