T. Antonova
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.4.20
Tatiana V. Antonova –Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of English Language Theory and Translation Studies, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Bryansk State University Named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky, Bryansk, Russian Federation, E-mail: antonova.antonova22041973@yandex.ru
Abstract. Nowadays teachers especially emphasize the importance of cognitive and social motives in education, the readiness for work of future specialists, the role of self-education and the development of creative abilities in students. The objective laws of the student course and the foundations of science strengthen broad cognitive motives in students. Self-educational activity is directly related to the prospect of working in the chosen specialty, life self-determination. Therefore, class discussion as a pedagogical technique is able to develop the ability to set non-standard tasks and find non-stereotypical solutions, to improve the speech, behavioral strategies and tactics of its participants. The object of the research is the process of acquiring skills of self-expression in the class discussion. The subject of research is defined as a set of specially developed discussion topics and organized preparatory stage that contribute to the implementation of students’ individual and personal qualities. This is achieved by combining educational activities with research methods. Learning activities that help the students to get familiar with the material can be both reproductive and productive. At the same time, control and evaluation activities take the form of predictive self-assessment at the stage of preparing the task, not at its completion. The purpose of the research is to develop, theoretically justify and experimentally test the methodology of the preparatory stage for discussion forms of work at the seminars and practical classes with the students, taking into account their individual abilities and capabilities. The hypothesis is based on the statement that educational motivation and academic performance in a discipline increases if the teacher provides a set of discussion topics and tasks in the form of the content which has been specially selected, methodically organized and coordinated. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that the effectiveness of the developed teaching techniques in a student-сentred educational discussion has been theoretically justified and proved.
Keywords: academic discussion, student-сentred learning, problem-based learning, cognitive motives, social motives, emotions, academic performance.
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For citation:
Antonova T.V. Discussion as a means of creating motivation among university students. CITISE, 2020, no. 4, pp.234-249. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.4.20