ISSN 2409-7616

А. Litovchenko, N. Gavrilova



Anna S. Litovchenko – Senior lecturer of the Department of pedagogy professional and additional education, Institute of humanitarian education and sports, Surgut state University, Surgut, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Nadezhda V. Gavrilova – Teacher of the Department of pedagogy professional and additional education, Institute of humanitarian education and sports, Surgut state University, Surgut, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Abstract. The article is devoted to the current issue of modernization of the educational process, which aims to introduce new formats focused on developing students ‘ project skills. The article highlights the issues of complex and controversial auestions concerning the free integration of modern and relevant formats of project training of students in the educational process. The author analyzes the concepts of project and the format of project training, as well as the mechanisms for involving students in project activities through the practices and experience of implementing other universities. The typology and requirements that should accompany the student project are described. Attention is focused on art projects and engineering and design projects, as the leading activity of students in our direction «Pedagogical education» in the profile of «Technological education». There is also a clear focus on the main tool that allows students to fully implement their creative projects, and this is paper as a material for design creativity with design and artistic features. Its types, characteristics and features are considered.

Keywords. Education, educational process, modernization, design, skill, method of projects, design and artistic features, paper, creativity, design.



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For citation:

Litovchenko А.S., Gavrilova N.V.  Design and artistic features of paper as a material for design creativity of students of technological profile. CITISE, 2020, no. 1, pp. 498-509. DOI: