N. Mashkina, V. Agarkova
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.2020.1.20
Natalya A. Mashkina – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Credit Southwestern State University, Kursk, Russian Federation, RSCI SPIN code: 4702-4436, E-mail: t.natusia@yandex.ru
Victoria E. Agarkova – student of the department of finance and credit Southwestern State University, Kursk, Russian Federation, E-mail: agarkova.victoria@mail.ru
Abstract. This article discusses the issues associated with the high cost of using innovative technologies in banking in the Russian Federation, explores the main trends in the development of bank management in the innovative aspect, and assesses the value of using innovative technologies both in individual commercial banks and in the banking system countries. The most promising innovative products in Russia are investigated. Based on the statistical data of the Bank of Russia and Markswebb agency, an analysis of the efficiency rating of Internet banks for individuals was carried out. The methodology of applying innovations such as blockchain, cloud storage, API, NFC technologies, the integration of bank accounts with electronic payment systems (EPS) and cryptocurrencies is considered. As a result, the information considered in the article is generalized and conclusions are drawn on the application of innovative technologies not only in the activities of commercial banks, but also their role in improving the efficiency of the country’s banking sector in the face of constant progress.
Keywords: banking innovations, banking products, innovation management, Internet banking, blockchain technology, fintech startups, “cloud” data.
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For citation:
Mashkina N.A., Agarkova V.E. Application of innovative technologies in the activities of banks. CITISE, 2020, no. 1, pp. 216-225. DOI: http://oi.org/1.15350/2409761.2020.1.20