V. Evseev
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.1.25
Vadim O. Evseev – The doctor of economic sciences, professor Faculties politics and sociology, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation, RSCI SPIN-code: 3997-1213, E-mail: manrus@mail.ru
Abstract.The main issue of the research is the construction of a structural and semantic model of public relations and obtaining quantitative indicators between participants/actors of these relations according to the hierarchy of their interaction. The purpose of the study was to study the “inner kitchen” of interests of the local actors of social processes, to identify their role settings in the formation of public relations, to identify the characteristics of the culture of public relations as a platform on which the entire hierarchical structure is based. Results. For each hierarchical level, petal diagrams are obtained, the data on which show priority levels of interpersonal preferences for actors of public relations; levels of preferences for compatibility of their interests; levels of preferences in the stages of designing public relations and social processes. Conclusions: the simulation Results showed: 1.that the presence of a systemic imbalance in existing socio-economic and socio-political processes is primarily associated with a low level of public culture, especially with the culture of public consciousness and the culture of public behavior; 2. personal interests of actors in public relations prevail over public ones, since the indicator “complementation” is always on the periphery of interests.
Keywords: structural and semantic model, actors of public relations, compatibility by positions, stages of implementation of public relations, modes of existence of public relations, public culture
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For citation:
Evseev V.O. Structural and semantic modeling of development socio-economic and social relations. CITISE, 2020, no. 1, pp. 269-279. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.1.25