I. Degtyareva, E. Barkova
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.1.29
Irina V. Degtyareva – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Department “Economic theory”“Ufa State Aviation Technical University”, Ufa, Russian Federationб E-mail: idegtjareva57@mail.ru
Ekaterina E. Barkova – Postgraduate Student, Department of Economic Theory “Bashkir State University”, Ufa, Russian Federationб E-mail: k_barkova@mail.ru
Abstract. The article discusses the problems of the formation of an innovation-type economy in Russia related to the lack of a developed technology transfer mechanism. Comparing the key indicators characterizing the level of innovative development of the country in the framework of Strategy 2020 with real statistics, it was found that the measures taken by the government to switch from a raw-type economy to an innovative economy do not work. Moreover, for many indicators, a calculation method has not been developed, which is why it is simply impossible to assess their dynamics, and the dynamics of other indicators have rather worsened. Restructuring the country’s economy from raw materials to innovatively developed is impossible without an efficiently functioning technology transfer. The purpose of the article is to analyze problems associated with a lack of understanding of the term technology transfer and how to finance it at different stages of the product (company) life cycle. An analysis of the existing definitions of “technology transfer” made it possible to clarify this term taking into account the current situation in this area. The main problems of financing technology transfer taking into account the life cycle of an innovative product are identified, related to both the imperfection of legislation in the innovation and investment sphere and the low degree of interest of key participants in the technology transfer chain. It is concluded that the investment mechanism, which works effectively in other countries, cannot function as effectively in Russia, because it does not take into account the specifics and level of development of our country, and, therefore, requires refinement. Some measures are proposed to eliminate existing problems associated with financing technology transfer.
Keywords: technology transfer, innovation, life cycle, sources of financing, innovative economy.
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For citation:
Degtyareva I.V., Barkova E.E. Mechanism for the implementation of technology transfer in russia: problems and sources of financing. CITISE, 2020, no. 1, pp. 312-325. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2020.1.29