ISSN 2409-7616

N. Davidchuk



Nadejda N. Davidchuk – PhD, associate Professor of economic Sciences of information systems and management technologies department, SO HPE «Donetsk  National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhail Tugan-Baranovsky», Donetsk, DPR, RISC-SPIN-code: 3289-1075, E-mail:

Abstract. The relevance of this study is determined, on the one hand, by the need to strengthen the role of recreational resources for the physical, intellectual and spiritual recovery and development of the Donetsk People’s Republic population, and on the other, the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the recreational resource potential for setting strategic goals for the young Republic development. The use of modern tools, such as geomarketing technologies in the study of the territorial space resource potential, provides large-scale material for the analysis and solution of scientific and practical problems at various levels. The aim of the article is a geomarketing study using geographical information systems to study the recreational resources of the Donetsk city recreational potential and the development of a methodology for determining the recreational attractiveness of its regions based on the data obtained. As a result of the work, studies were conducted on four groups of recreational resources: sociocultural, natural-recreational, cultural-historical and scientific-educational, which made it possible to determine the quantitative composition of these resources and to reveal the degree of concentration in the Donetsk city districts. The scientific and methodological approach to geomarketing assessment of the recreational resources attractiveness has been improved, which, unlike the existing ones, is based on the construction of recreational resources geographical information systems based on the integration of thematic layers corresponding to each of them. Such scientific tools make it possible to determine the attractiveness rating of individual administrative-territorial units and regions by type of recreational resources (socio-cultural, natural-recreational, cultural-historical and scientific-educational), which makes it possible to determine promising directions for the development of the recreational complex of the Donetsk People’s Republic as a whole.

Keywords: geomarketing system, recreational resources, sociocultural resources, natural and recreational resources, cultural and historical resources, scientific and educational resources.



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For citation:

Davidchuk N.N.  Determination of recreational attractiveness ratings of Donetsk areas on the basis of a geomarketing system. CITISE, 2019, no. 4, pp. 437-450. DOI: