R. Khizbullina, L. Yakupova, L. Salemgarayeva, G. Akhmetshina
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.2019.4.26
Rezeda Z. Khizbullina – Candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor of physical geography, mapping and geodesy department, FSBEI of Higher Education “Bashkir State University” Ufa, Russian Federation, E-mail: hizbullina@yandex.ru
Liliya R. Yakupova – Candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor at the department of chemistry, natural geographical faculty, “Bashkir State Pedagogical University n. a. M. Akmulla” Ufa, Russian Federation, E-mail: Lsh_2014@mail.ru
Leysyan R. Salemgarayeva – Student of geography department, «Mapping and Geoinformatics» specialization, FSBEI of Higher Education “Bashkir State University”, Ufa, Russian Federation, E-mail: salemgaraeva.1@mail.ru
Guzel A. Akhmetshina – Student of naturally geographical faculty, «Pedagogical education chemistry and physics» FSBEI of Higher Education “Bashkir State Pedagogical University n. a. M. Akmulla”, Ufa, Russian Federation, E-mail: aga.guzel456@gmail.com
Abstract. The article deals with the role of interdisciplinary connections in the formation of chemical and geographical knowledge, it is noted that interdisciplinary connections remain the most important principle of learning in modern school, it is emphasized that the integration of subjects helps to bring them together, to find common ground. Special emphasis is placed on the organization of research activities in integrated classes. The authors offer options for the study of individual topics for the organization of joint educational research work of students in the classroom of chemistry and geography, as well as give examples of laboratory and practical work of the research orientation of school courses in chemistry and geography. The article presents the conclusions about the importance of the use of research activities in the education of students, and the role of extracurricular interdisciplinary work of teachers of geography and chemistry.
Keywords: intersubject communications, formation of abilities, research activity of school students, lessons of chemistry and geography.
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For citation:
Khizbullina R.Z., Yakupova L.R., Salemgarayeva L.R., Akhmetshina G. A. The use of intersubject connections in the formation of the skills to research activities in chemistry classes, and geography. CITISE, 2019, no. 4, pp. 262-270. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.2019.4.26