ISSN 2409-7616

E. Tupichkina, S. Semenaka



Elena A. Tupichkina – Doctor of pedagogical Sciences, professor Department of pedagogy and technologies of preschool and primary education, Armavir state pedagogical University, Stavropol, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Svetlana I. Semenaka – Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor Department of pedagogy and technologies of preschool and primary education, Armavir state pedagogical University, Stavropol, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Abstract. The article deals with the preparation of bachelors on the basis of cultural approach. The unity of the universal, national and individual approach is considered within the framework of the cultural approach. The main purpose of the cultural approach is to educate the younger generation, taking into account national traditions. In modern conditions, the competence of future teachers has expanded. Museums are used in the educational process of pre-school educational organizations. Bachelor should be able to carry out a holistic pedagogical process in the interaction of preschool educational organization and the Museum, which becomes a place of cultural and historical identification of preschoolers.

Keywords: cultural approach, museum, bachelor, preschool educational organization, cultural and educational environment, museum pedagogy, culture, cultural traditions.



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For citation:

Tupichkina E.A., Semenaka S.I. Cultural approach in training bachelors to the use of museum pedagogy. CITISE, 2019, no. 4, pp. 87-94.