I. Chupaha
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.2019.4.05
Irina V. Chupaha – Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, Department of preschool and primary education STAVROPOL state pedagogical Institute (SBOU IN SSPI), Stavropol, Russian Federation, E-mail: irina-chupakha@rambler.ru
Abstract. The article discusses the sociocultural and educational potential and capabilities of modern museums, their main functions. In the modern sense, it is an accessible social and cultural institution that provides not only the preservation of the historical memory of the past in the form of physical and spiritual rarities, but also has a huge educational potential, aimed at familiarizing the culture of all citizens of the country (children, teenagers, youth, adults, older). Most modern museum projects are socially oriented, thereby, through their implementation, a feedback mechanism is implemented between a person (a museum visitor) and society, between personal experience and historical knowledge. Solving, first of all, educational goals and objectives, museum pedagogy, at the same time, contributes to the development and implementation of new forms of exhibiting and implementing technologies of museum business, produces new ways of working with a wide variety of social audiences. It is necessary to highlight the main characteristics of a modern museum: the degree of its openness and accessibility for citizens to visit, regardless of social status and status; a sufficiently high level of their profiling, which allows them to efficiently purposefully and systematically organize and implement sociocultural, educational and educational activities; the possibility of creating school museums of a particular subject orientation; the use of a variety of traditional and innovative forms, methods and technologies of the museum work with visitors.
Keywords: museum, formation of spiritual culture, cultural potential, Museum material, educational function, Museum teachers.
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For citation:
Chupaha I. V. Museum pedagogy: socio-cultural, educational and educational potential and opportunities. CITISE, 2019, no. 4, pp. 41-48. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.2019.4.05