ISSN 2409-7616

T. Skryl


Tatiana V. Skryl – PhD, associate professor  Economic theory department Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-code: 4124-8507 E-mail:

Abstract. The article discusses the uneven development of the economy and, in particular, related to the different approaches to decision-making at the state level. The current situation places the state in a field of limited rationality due to internal and external factors. Due to the fact that the Russian specifics of economic development depends on a particular region, the author considers to analyze the procedure for choosing the right solution in the field of the main tasks and priorities of economic policy. The purpose of the study is to identify the strategy of decision-making depending on the volume and complexity of the available tools. The main objectives of the study – the author offers a choice of the specification of the choice of economic policy in the context of the current situation in the Russian economy, depending on the territorial potential. The author provides for the analysis a number of existing problems that limit the potential choice. Finally, to unlock the potential of each region, several types of economic policy implementation are proposed.

Keywords: decision-making, regional potential, state, sanctions, limited rationality, territorial development.



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Skryl’ T.V., Tutaeva D.R. Ocenka konkurentosposobnosti rossijskoj ekonomiki v usloviyah uzhestocheniya ekonomicheskih sankcij//CITISE. 2019. №