V. Romm, J. Maximov,
Valery V. Romm – Doctor of Cultural Studies, Academician MSA, Professor, Novosibirsk State Conservatory named after MI Glinka (Russia, Novosibirsk), E-mail: balletsib@list.ruIogan
Johan E. Maximov – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the UIA, Honorary Academician of the Academy of Spirituality of the RS (I),veteran of the nuclear industry and colormetallurgy of the USSR, excellent conservationist RS (I) (Russia, Novosibirsk), E-mail: iogan-maximov@yandex.ru
Abstract. The authors consider the problem of ecodive education of the younger generation. They stand on the position of the need to introduce an appropriate academic discipline into the main educational program of a secondary school. The West Siberian branch of the International Slavic Academy of Science, Education, Arts and Culture has long been sounding the alarm about emasculation of spirituality from the school system. The authors believe that this destroys the ecology of human development and modern society, and the struggle to preserve the ecology of Russian man and society is no less important than the struggle to save the ecology of the surrounding nature. The results of the work carried out with youth organizations of the Republic of Sakha-Yakutia are demonstrated. The West Siberian Branch of the International Slavic Academy of Science, Education, Art and Culture is an active promoter of the ideas of Kulakovsky in Novosibirsk, the geographical center of Russia. Scientists consider these ideas in the framework of the scientific and didactic concept of the ecologic revival of Russia, the knowledge of the meaning of life in the paradigm of the ecological-centrist understanding of the world.
Keywords: pedagogics, training, preservation of language, customs, physical culture, choreography, Shamanism, solntsepoklonnik, ecology, ritualism.
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